Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Caption, Please

And remember kids: Captions in the spirit of AirToons are highly recommended.


Blog ho said...

Tom was worried about the color of his backpack until his sister Lisa assured him that he looked cool with, or without a gay backpack.

Sharon said...


I don't know what to say.
Quite clever.
Twisted, but clever.

Nölff said...

Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr rrnnnnnnnnhhhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRRRR

Anti-Blogger said...

Doctor Johnson decided to make his proctology examinations a little more exciting.

Scribe Called Steff said...

"Despite being an avid athlete, there was a reason Monty never took the stairs."

The Cunting Linguist.

(For adults only. Tsk.)

sarah said...

that looks like fun.

Chick said...

...this should take your mind off your claustrophobia, lady.

~art said...

lady, will you get off my coke bottle already!!!

Pronto said...

Going up? No, i prefer to go down, thanks.

About Me, Not You

I was christened Wannahockaloogy by our tribal leader. He was a bitter old man with throat cancer who believed that, to truly hock a loogie, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul. His weakened, delirious state made it easy for me to overthrow him and seize control. Now, I am the chief and I have internet access. Beware, delirious smoking populace. Beware.