Monday, November 21, 2005

Neo-Cons Suck, Yo

The fact that "vastly more" Iraqis have died than all the victims of "all international terrorists in all of history" matters little in American popular judgments on the war.

Despite the administration's careful attempt to keep returning bodies and individual funerals out of sight and so out of mind; despite the fact that the American dead - 60 soldiers in the first 19 days of October - have largely been kept off the front pages of American papers and photos of dead Americans off television (where dead Iraqis can regularly be seen)...

This was the Republican desire to nail down the country as a purely red (as in red-meat) Republican land.

The vetting of the K-Street lobbying crowd,
the increasing control over the flow of corporate dollars into politics,
the gerrymandering of congressional districts to create an election-proof House of Representatives,
the mobilization of a religious base dedicated to an endless set of culture wars,
the ushering in of a right-wing Supreme Court,

and so many other activities were all meant to create an impregnable Republican Party in control of every lever of power in our country into an endless future.

Tom Engelhardt
How the Bush administration got spooked

I tried to tell you America, but would you listen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bush admin is going down! dirty mothafuckas, they all have clap i hear...

About Me, Not You

I was christened Wannahockaloogy by our tribal leader. He was a bitter old man with throat cancer who believed that, to truly hock a loogie, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul. His weakened, delirious state made it easy for me to overthrow him and seize control. Now, I am the chief and I have internet access. Beware, delirious smoking populace. Beware.