Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Surf Debris v2.0, or I am the Pheonix Reborn

Philosophical question: Does 'surf debris' refer to the odd, the whimsical, the perplexing encountered during browsing the internet? Now consider 'Washed up by the surf.' Does 'washed up' mean jaded, corrupted, or ruined?

Correct Answer: Fools. ALT+F4 at once. It means stuff dragged in by the mighty current of the Mother Ocean. And of course I refer to the true-blue American Pacific. Not that euro-Atlantic or the silly little Indian Ocean jealously guarded by the mighty Indian Navy. What about the Arctic or Southern Oceans, you ask? I thought I told you to ALT+F4.

Here are some pictures I took of myself invading a beach:

That last picture is a metaphor of my furious anger when I got knocked off my surf board. Had I not eaten a pizza Lunchable 29 minutes earlier, the ensuing tummy ache would have been avoided. Damn you, lone sentinel of time.

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About Me, Not You

I was christened Wannahockaloogy by our tribal leader. He was a bitter old man with throat cancer who believed that, to truly hock a loogie, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul. His weakened, delirious state made it easy for me to overthrow him and seize control. Now, I am the chief and I have internet access. Beware, delirious smoking populace. Beware.