Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dear Rich People Who Buy Expensive 2-Ply Toilet Paper

If you fold a single-ply sheet of toilet paper in half, you get 2-ply toilet paper at no extra cost.


Anonymous said...

i steal toilet paper from my school cause i'm poor...

Nölff said...

I grew up on Scott tissue. Everyone called it John Wayne toilet paper.

I have a tolereance for cheap toilet paper.

George Larson said...

i steal toilet paper from my friends, especially the wealthy ones that buy 2-Ply

Sharon said...

That is very resourceful of you, Chief.

Butchie said...

I like the kind on the big rolls like in a bar or gas station. The fluffy stuff breaks down too easily while I aggressively clean my backside.

Nölff said...

New post, slacker.

Anonymous said...

actually you brainless dope, it does cost double. because youre using it twice as fast. and i cant believe that any of you other unintelligent assholes havent thought of this already. its not rocket science. jeez.

About Me, Not You

I was christened Wannahockaloogy by our tribal leader. He was a bitter old man with throat cancer who believed that, to truly hock a loogie, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul. His weakened, delirious state made it easy for me to overthrow him and seize control. Now, I am the chief and I have internet access. Beware, delirious smoking populace. Beware.